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Effective Project Management Tips For Internet Marketers

Posted by James in How To, Marketing, Video, productivity

Getting the RIGHT things done is the key to successful Internet Marketing

You should be doing the most profitable things and there will be activities you should NOT be doing. In this video I am sharing the same technique I use to help mentees identify what projects to work on first. You will end up with a ‘to do list’ in order of priority. We rate them according to Urgency and Importance. instead of being a perfectionist (doing things right) we just want to be doing the right things. (Credit to Peter Drucker!).

To don’t list

This is the least important and least urgent projects that you should not be doing in your online business under any circumstances. The way to defeat procrastination is to have a clear knowing of which projects will get you the highest gain faster. Then do only them.

Identify your 80:20

A small fraction of your current ‘potential’ activities as an internet marketer will be the highest income producers. Identify what they are likely to be based on what ALREADY makes you money!!! I hope you find this video training useful!

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Breakthroughs are always possible (Goldratt) so make sure you push your personal effectiveness habits this week. (Sorry about the wind – it is just so lovely in Sydney this time of year I am outdoors as much as possible!)…

Tags: doing the right things, doing things right, effective, goldratt, important, internet marketer, internet marketing, organization, personal effectiveness, peter drucker, time management, work smart not hard

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