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Gmail Power User Tips For Internet Marketers You Probably Didn’t Know

Posted by James in Blog, How To, Resource, Review, Tool, Video, productivity

You will love Gmail for the freedom of access. You can access your emails from any computer wherever you are as long as you have a connection. Get wireless network and an iPhone and now you can use your email just about anywhere on the fly.

Labels versus folders

Gmail uses labels which are far and away easier and more effective than folders. Folders are NASTY because they limit how many places you can have a file appear, (one). They do not make sense once you experience the power of labels. Labels allow you to place an email into MULTIPLE categories. You can have labels for things such as ‘urgent’ or ‘requires a response’ or ‘tax’ or person specific labels like ‘assistant’ or ‘design’ etc… If you have a personal assistant you can have labels for thing YOU need to action.

Search feature kicks butt!

Imagine having Google powering the search engine on your in-box! It is THAT powerful. Look up anything topic related or client related and it brings up all the good stuff. It can be used very well for research and as an online storage archive.

Filtering Rules

You can easily set rules to get rid of stuff you don’t want. Spam, archive, forward or delete emails based on trigger words in the subject line, body or sent from email address etc… If you have outsourcers you can automatically forward them emails that are just for them. The spam filtering performance is outstanding. Once you train it what is spam it learns fast. I have experienced very high deliverable rates for Gmail both receiving and when broadcasting. (It is always a good idea to send your self a test message from Aweber etc… before broadcasting..)


Make sure you use a strong password for your account and consider using a Gmail account that is NOT related to your name for your major emails. (HINT: You can forward emails from several Gmail accounts back to one).

Sneaky marketing tip

Use the Google ads that display around your emails to see what you should be targeting for paid traffic campaigns. I sell a lot of stuff from content network ads that display for email broadcasts when there is a launch. Also you can spy on other bidders in your niche market by seeing what displays for general emails relating to your topic.

Comment below (I’ll look for the label ‘BLOG comment’ in my Gmail!)

Tags: gmail filters, gmail folders, gmail for internet marketing, gmail versus outlook, how to internet marketing, how to use gmail, iphone and gmail, james schramko tips, outlook v gmail, using gmail, using gmail iphone

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