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$100 XSitePro 2 Discount Extended

Posted by James in Affiliate, Bonus, News, Resource, Review, SEO, Tool, Traffic

XSitePro 2 for just $197

XSitePro 2 still has a $100 Discount and is now available for purchase using PayPal. Paul Smithson the genius behind XSitePro2 (Made by Intellimon) just made this announcement:

“Since we launched XSitePro v2 back in June LOTS of people have asked when we’ll be accepting payment via PayPal rather than just credit card.

I’m pleased to say that it’s all sorted, so if you’ve got some spare money sat in your PayPal account now is a great time to put it to good use and invest it in the amazing new XSitePro v2.

And the other great news is that I’ve decided to extend the special hundred dollar discount offer, to let you get in the door, which means you’ll pay only $197.”

Paul mentioned some of these amazing testimonials in hes letter:

“XSitePro2 exceeds all expectations, gives new meaning to value for money and makes a newbie website builder look like a seasoned professional. I struggled for years trying to build a professional website myself that had features such as forms, audio, bookmarking links, testimonial boxes, and many other things that XSitePro can now do so easily with just a few clicks of my mouse. Now I can look at my multi-featured website with pride knowing that I created it all by myself.”

“XSitePro2 has just empowered me so much and I know others who have been struggling will find it a real treat.”

It is no secret I love XSite Pro 2 because of how it helped me build a web empire and enjoy the freedom of not having to go off to work anymore. I encourage you to take a look at my own story and special high value personal $$$ XSitepro Bonus available here.

Tags: excitepro, freedom, intellimon, paul smithson, quit work, xitepro2, xsite pro 2, xsitepro 2 discount, xsitepro coupon, xsitepro2 coupon, xsitpro

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