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“Making Waves,” by Cameron Adams


It was hard to miss the announcement of Google Wave in May, the exciting project designed to leapfrog current modes of online communication. Cameron Adams—Wave’s interface designer—will give us some unique insights into the challenges of bringing such an innovative product to fruition, the problems you face in designing a desktop application in the browser, and how to nurture a startup culture inside a large company.

→Cameron Adams’ Profile…

“Making Waves - Web Directions 09 Keynote” slides (earlier version)

Books by Cameron Adams

  • Javascript Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks
  • The Art & Science of CSS
  • Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scripting
  • The Art & Science of JavaScript
  • Simply Javascript

Books translated into Japanese

  • プロクリエイターの作例に学ぶ XHTML+CSS達人テクニック


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