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Traffic Evolution Jonathan Mizel Bonus

Posted by James in Bonus, How To, PPC, Resource, Review, Traffic

 Jonathan Mizel Traffic Evolution Bonus: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (43)

If you only use Google for traffic then you are only going to reach a fraction of the available market (possibly less than 20%). Most serious Internet Marketers are using paid traffic WAY beyond Ad Words. In Jonathan Mizels course Traffic Evolution you will discover the real scoop on paid traffic. Google Slaps are a thing of the past.

Jonathan Mizel is an internet marketing veteran who really understands the industry. I have met him several times at Yaniks Underground event. He was the first person I paid to receive newsletters from when I started out online. Jonathan is often credited for the name squeeze concept. The stuff I learn from him is always powerful and high quality.

What is Traffic Evolution?

Traffic Evolution is a course that teaches you how to leverage paid advertising. Be prepared to delve into the lucrative world of banner advertising. Once you know how these work and where to place them you can hook them up to ultra high converting squeeze landing pages. Use this combo to build a list of buyers and you are in business! The course covers ad dimensions, creating ads and much more.

Paid V Free?

You will discover why paid traffic is so much more reliable and consistent than free traffic. There are certain ‘rules’ and conventions in the industry you can just glide around once you know the insider code. You can also get access to the mountains of inventory reserved for those in ‘the know’.

Free is NOT really free

Plenty of new internet marketers focus on FREE. It is some sort of destructive obsession. Why is the emphasis on free when there often is a TIME cost to do free stuff? When you pay for things you can get leverage. Buying traffic speeds up profit when you have a good converting offer. Also you get a first to market advantage over all the free methods. While people are trying to SEO blogs and wait for articles to get indexed you can be bringing in revenue via ad network campaigns.

Learn the lingo

In the paid traffic world you will encounter terms such as ‘IO’ (Insertion Order). Then there are terms such as: PPC,CPV,CPM,PPV,RON,ROI, Frequency Caps, Solo Ads and more…. These will all be explained in detail. When you understand the codec of the industry it is easier to determine value and get the best deals.

Beyond Banners

Once you get into email logistics and techniques you will have valuable knowledge to leverage your assets. Buying links and understanding metrics are great ways to boost whatever you have in play. When you run email advertising you will need to learn about suppression lists and abide by them. I like the rounded approach of Traffic Evolution because it covers more than just one technique or trick (like some lesser products). Learning about tracking and testing will place you in the pro division.

Blogs, Articles, Affiliate and more…

Some people (like me) combine blogs and articles with paid traffic. Plus there are extra profits to be made by working with both affiliate offers AND your own products. Learn how this works in the course. If you need credit for running paid advertising then you will be pleased this is covered too! Price negotiation is a valuable subject included as a well.

What you get

The product is made up of:

- 7 Module video training (3 hours of streaming screen cast video or downloadable).

- PDF guide

- Resource manual

- Forum access

Who needs this?

If you have an offer that converts or you have an ad budget to invest then this will guide you. Many of the paid traffic sources compiled in the resource guide have excess inventory just waiting to be tapped. If you want to learn how to get into fastest and most measurable way to consistently generate floods of traffic then this course is for you.

Do I use these techniques?

YES! – I have been doing this for several years and I even released two very similar products over a year ago. One was called ‘UnderCode’ and the other was called ‘OptinBoost’ (Both part of the Traffic Secrets Monthly series). I covered many of the same techniques and resources. I was sent a review copy of Traffic Evolution and I watched the whole thing. Traffic Evolution is the best product I have seen on this topic of PAID traffic because it is so pure in concept and delivery.

Fully Guaranteed

The quality is high so the 100% Guarantee is offered. Jonathan wants every buyer to be completely satisfied and I expect they will be. I have been following his work for three years and he does great stuff.


Traffic Evolution will close at some point soon. If you want it and it is still available grab it while you can.


Naturally I want to make buying Traffic Evolution a no-brainer for you so I am offering you access to my new video “It’s not about the website” which is for intermediate to advanced marketers. It is a summary of the most important things you need to know to catapult from small to large online profit.

CLICK HERE to Buy Traffic Evolution from ME and then

Claim your BONUS with your receipt HERE

Tags: Banner Advertising, Buy Links, Contextual traffic, CPM, CPV, IIO, Insertion Order, Jason Shawyer, Jon Mizel, jonathan mizel, Jonathan Mizel Traffic Evolution Bonus, Jonathon Mizel, landing page, Landing Pages, Paid Traffic, PPC, PPV, RON, Traffic Evolution, Traffic Evolution Bonus, Traffic Evolution Review

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