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Dmitry Baranovskiy – Canvas | Web Directions

  • In: Resources
  • By: Guy Leech
  • October 9, 2009

Web Directions South 2009, Sydney Convention Centre, October 8 1.40pm.

  • Audio recording of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Dmitry Baranovskiy

Presentation slides

Session description

Since the earliest days of the web, perhaps the single biggest missing piece of functionality has been a standards based, browser native way for developers to do 2D (and 3D) rendering. Now, the Canvas element, supported in all contemporary browsers other than Internet Explorer, and part of the HTML5 specification, provides these capabilities, and is being widely adopted in cutting edge websites and applications.

In this session, JavaScript ninja Dmitry Baranovskiy takes us into the heart and soul of Canvas, looking at what it does well, and not so well, how well it is supported, and how to use it in cross browser compatible ways. Developers with a good grasp of JavaScript will be able to add another dimension to their web solutions based on what they learn in this session.

About Dmitry Baranovskiy

Dmitry has over 8 years experience in creating web applications. Having started as a back end developer, more recently he has changed his orientation to front end development and even pure design. These days he spends his working hours trying to embrace a wide range of front end technologies while working as a JavaScript Developer for Atlassian. He is also the creator of Optimus, the Microformats transformer, as well as RaphaΓ«l, a JavaScript Vector Library. At any given moment he is always working on three secret projects, though no one knows where he gets the time for any of this.

Follow Dmitry on Twitter: @DmitryBaranovsk

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