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Lachlan Hardy – The open web

  • In: Resources
  • By: Guy Leech
  • October 9, 2009

Web Directions South 2009, Sydney Convention Centre, October 9 2.40pm.

  • Audio recording of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Print-ready sketch summary (PDF)
  • Session description
  • About Lachlan Hardy

Presentation slides

Session description

The Open Web is an evolving term that encompasses technologies from web standards stalwarts like HTML, to almost-mainstream buzzwords such as OpenID, and on to emerging specifications like PortableContacts, but it’s more than that. It is a philosophy.

It is the dream of technical building blocks that mesh together to discover and define identity, authorise accessible data, and validate membership of social or professional groupings. It’s one big personal data party and everybody on the web is invited.

Lachlan Hardy will cover specific technologies and their usecases, showing how they plug together to make a cost-efficient open stack. He examines what the Open Web really means, how it works, and how your business can use it to reach more people, more powerfully.

About Lachlan Hardy

Lachlan currently works as a Design Engineer at Atlassian where he builds functional designs into all their products. He is a web standards expert who has worked on numerous high-profile sites for News Digital Media, Queensland Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, several Victorian government projects and the ticketing system for the Melbourne Commonwealth Games.

He leads the team behind the highly successful Webjam events promoting web innovation in Australia and has written for ReadWriteWeb. He’s an advocate of open web technologies and currently very interested in networking the facets of our online identities. His site is Lachstock.

Follow Lachlan on Twitter: @lachlanhardy

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