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Howie Schwartz Traffic Holiday Review

Posted by James in Affiliate, Article Marketing, Guru, How To, Launch, Product creation, Resource, Review, SEO, Social, Tool, Traffic

 Howie Schwarz Traffic Holiday Review: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (313)

Howie Schwarz has a Christmas Traffic Sale. He is the crazy blackhat (or is it a red hat now?) social marketer who joined the Stompernet faculty to do web 2.0 marketing stuff.

Howie may be crazy but…

…he does have some great ideas. He always innovates ways to rip into Google traffic for hot and competitive markets. Most people run from competition but Howie (like me) relishes in the abundant opportunity competition represents. He goes in there and comes out with fists full of $$$.

He uses creative (and slightly naughty) ways to aggressively dominate the search results using a multitude of approaches. I have watched all the videos from his conversation domination program and now he is letting you have access to some of his rare ‘forgotten’ videos.

What’s in the package?

Howies traffic holiday has:

- Three hours of video from his real workshop showing his leverage strategies

- 15 Secrets of Income Diversification (PDF)

- 59 Questions and Answers Audio (Including HELP! Where do I start?)

- Quick and Easy Niche Research Blueprint for checking a new market

- Lost black hat tactics – USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!


- Howie’s Keyword research tool

- Info Product Generation video

- Secret Tool (New and it automates a repetitive task)

Limited to 300 people

What? Scarcity – how dare he. I think this is a great idea. I would not like more than 300 people using this against me. Let’s face it. From 300 there will be about 30 people who really kick butt using this and then the rest will sit back and cruise. If you are one of the other 299 people who snap this up be prepared to get your eyes on some cool content. You have a license to shred the search results.

Who is this for?

People who want to leverage time, traffic and conversions. Howies traffic holiday is going to suit you if who want to develop a good understanding of how to dominate Google with social traffic. Learn how sites interlink, how to research markets and uncover buyers. Howie will show you exactly how to optimize your site for traffic and conversions by going through examples on screen. It is a great additional traffic strategy to complement article marketing and traditional SEO / PPC channels. For the $37 it is a small investment with a high value return.


What I like a lot is that Howie gives real examples of his own markets. I do much the same and I think this blazes right through any doubt about the information and the quality of the teachings. There is no fluff, B.S or theory. Howie talks fast but his passion and knowledge shine through. He has a great sense of humor as well. Overdelivery. It will change your mindset about how a successful IM business should be run.

Bottom line – at $37 this is a STEAL. Stop reading and get trafficking this holiday period.

(I LOVE the secret tool as well. It is well worth the whole fee and it will help you get indexed VERY fast for new sites. shhh!!!!)

Tags: abundant opportunity, christmas traffic, holiday traffic, how to get traffic, howie schwarz, howieschwarz, income diversification, keyword research tool, repetitive task, social media, traffic holiday, traffic master, video marketing, web 2.0 traffic

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