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Bum Marketing Stupid? | Internet Marketing Speed

Bum Marketing Stupid?

Posted by James in Affiliate, Article Marketing, Blog, Conversions, How To, List Building, PPC, SEO, Traffic, Video

This might shock or offend some people. Sorry, you need to know the truth. Are you ready for some new article marketing ideas? I expect I will get some furious comments from hardworking ‘bums’ who want to protect their craft – even if it means working three times harder than they need to….which is ironic for a method for ‘bums’ .

Have you read the posts from people who write ten articles a day, submit them to third party websites with direct affiliate links and make peanuts? They could be doing SO much more. You don’t need to submit thousands of articles to make hundreds or even thousands off each one! Read this article to discover why you are losing money if you don’t move beyond being a bum…

Massive Bum Marketing Mistake number 1: No website needed

Dont be an idiot and make some other site owner rich. That is the real bummer in ‘Bum Marketing’. Why work on someone else s business when you can build yours? A mentor of mine once told me it is better to own the race course than the race horse. That means you should OWN your content assets. Some crazy people submit all their hard work to a third party site and give it away.

Massive Bum Marketing Method Method Mistake number 2: No money required

What kind of business are you running here? The best way to get profits is to leverage up. Do you want to make your wealth fast or slow? You have been indoctrinated into the mindset that wealth must come slow. This is BS. Wealth can come fast if you can identify what is stopping you from moving forward. The whole Bum mindset is that you can do things cheap. Bum marketing leaves off the most powerful methods because it focuses on being cheap. The cheapest option is hardly ever the best.

Massive Bum Marketing Method Method Mistake number 3: Write the articles yourself

How are you supposed to be a marketer if you are also a writer? Outsource article writing so that you can concentrate more on the one job you can’t outsource – the marketing. I accept you will want to write your own stuff at the start – I suggest you do. Then you should outsource as soon as you can. many Bums get stuck writing their own articles because they are leaving thousands of dollars for other people to get while they are busy writing articles! It is a vicious cycle. They don’t call it the ‘workhorse’ method for nothing.

Articles are relatively easy to get done at a fair price. You may still want to write your premium marketing content, but outsource your other stuff ASAP! You get a better yield if you focus on higher value options such as list building, market research, product development, SEO strategy, copywriting, learning and joint ventures

Massive Bum Marketing Method Method Mistake numbers 4 and 5: Direct linking and No list

Many bum marketers direct link from articles to affiliate programs. You are better off in most cases to build a list of subscribers if possible. At the very least you MUST use a re-direct. What happens when your affiliate program gets shut off? You lose your clicks unless you can re-divert the clicks. I suggest you buy one domain to use as your adserver and then you can rotate, track and re-direct links as you see fit. Are you ready to turn up the heat on your article marketing results?

The Super Fast method of article marketing?

Here is an alternative article marketing method – I don’t have a name for it yet but I figured this system out for myself. I guess it is the SuperFastArticles method since I own a lot of SuperFast websites. I like speed – don’t you?

If you are an article bum marketer you are probably submitting articles to ezinearticles (or using a submission service like Submit Your Article). There are things you can do right now to leverage more results from your article marketing.

Keyword Research Twist

When you do your keyword research you will usually dig up competitors. The competition does not have to be a product – it could be anything that represents an alternative choice for the buyer – even the buyers choice to do nothing. For example you might be promoting a product called ABC. When you are researching you may discover that another brand is XYZ. You make a note of the keywords for both products and put together an article that has a headline: ABC Versus XYZ, Which One Is Better? Broad keywords work better than deep keywords. Go wide first. Controversy and “battles’ also attract attention.

Article writing persuasion techniques

In the article, you do a gentle pre-sell and then lead the buyer towards your product by creating dots for the buyer to join in their own mind. If you cram benefits too strongly you will be less persuasive and also make your article look like a sales letter. It will be rejected. Make a well formed logical argument that the reader can see merit in. If your buyers feel as though they are making the decisions they will sell themselves!.

Leverage the Bio box

In the Bio box or resource box you are allowed to put up to three links. Try using a dual track. One link could be to a newsletter or report page on your site so your pre-sales sequence can continue if your prospect is not ready to buy yet. The other link can be direct to your compelling bonus offer with keyword related words (anchor text) for your site. This is for the the ‘buy right now’ prospects.

Before you submit to a directory!!!!!

Sumbit your article to your own wordpress blog first. If you do not own your own domain or wordpress blog do it right now.

Get a Domain name

Get Hosting


Q: Wont I get duplicate content penalty?

A: No. Make a unique headline for each submission

Q: I can’t afford a $8 domain name and $6 a month hosting…

A: How serious are you?

Q: Won’t I get better rankings from high powered article sites than my own new site?

A: Why not take both – You found this blog right?

If you want a long term asset then get a wordpress blog going right now and optimize it for search engines or build yourself a fast easy SEO ready website. You will find either will rank really well if you make the required seo changes.

Q: I don’t know how to make a wordpress blog

A: Pay someone $25 – $50 to install it. (Or get the FULL works version)

Try and collect names from your blog using an autoresponder form or lightbox script (that black shadow effect). Building a list is essential to protect your investment. You pay once for the name and then build a relationship. You own a list and you have an asset.

Get an Autoresponder

Now submit your article with real leverage

I use SYA to submit multiple headlines, body text and bio box variations of the same core article, and also automate the multi-site distribution sequence. Once you submit your article you should bookmark the article also submit the article RSS feed to your blog on a related theme and RSS syndication sites like if you want to call in the army then also submit your article to this network. My articles have been published hundreds of times each week.

Add some serious power to your article

I use the keyword + site targeting option with Google Ad words to place a PPC text or Banner advertisement on the content network to sit next to my articles. That way I occupy a paid and free listing on the content page. This results in very high CTR for the content network. You are essentially placing the content there and then harvesting it with both free and paid links to your site and you only pay per click! You will see Bum Marketers brag about having no PPC costs – but they are missing out on profits too….

Turn up the traffic

Now go and do the same thing with a squidoo lens. Why stop at EZA when you can repeat this over and over again. Place your content on Squidoo then site target it! This is a great way to block out competition and keep control of your content on third party websites.

Want even more traffic?

Plug your URL and your competitions full URL’s into Google Alerts and sit an ad on top of all of yours and their articles too! It makes sense. You are dangling a hook with bait on it right where the fish are. These sites usually take a first page ranking and you will get traffic.

Getting serious now?

Now start your PPC search network campaign and deepen your content network campaign with banners. If you track your traffic you should be getting profitable keywords. You will be able to see what words people are using to find your site because YOU own the site and you can bid on broad match for a short period to get ideas.

Take it all the way

When you get ready for the next stage you will be looking beyond PPC and articles. Perhaps I will reveal that method in the next post. (I will cover CPV marketing and other underground code methods). In the meantime I suggest you go and make some viral videos to point back to your page with this free video traffic tutorial. Bum Video marketing?


You will get a lot more targetted traffic if you pick a comparison style article, research the keywords, craft a persuasive pre-sell main body and dual lane bio box. Then you traffic the article with bookmarking and RSS. You squat a paid ad on top of your own article and then target other articles too. Ramp up PPC and build a list. Track your stats and look for more traffic like videos and paid versions. Stop being a Bum and start doing more with less.

Happy article marketing. (If you like this post then you will love the article lesson in Traffic Secrets Monthly).

Tags: Article Marketing, bookmarking articles, bum marketing, bum marketing sucks, content network ppc, cpv marketing, google adwords, how to article marketing, how to use content network, internet marketing, james schramko, site targeting ppc, submit your article, superfastarticlemarketing, superfastarticles, video marketing

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