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Douglas Crockford | Web Directions East

Douglas Crockford

Douglas Crockford is a product of the US public school system. A registered voter, he owns his own car. He has developed office automation systems. He did research in games and music at Atari. He was Director of Technology at Lucasfilm. He was Director of New Media at Paramount. He was the founder and CEO of Electric Communities/ He was founder and CTO of State Software, where he discovered JSON. He is now an architect at Yahoo!. He is the world’s foremost living authority on JavaScript.

Speech: Web Application Security

Security design is an important, but often neglected, component of system design. In this session, Douglas Crockford, creator of Javascript Object Notation, will outline the security issues that must be considered in the architecture of Ajax applications. The design of the browser did not anticipate the needs of multiparty applications. The browser’s security model frustrates useful activities and allows some very dangerous activities. This talk will look at the small set of options before us that will determine the future of the Web.

Workshop: Javascript: The Good Parts

JavaScript has some extraordinarily good parts. In JavaScript there is a beautiful, elegant, highly expressive language that is buried under a steaming pile of good intentions and blunders. The best nature of JavaScript was so effectively hidden that for many years the prevailing opinion of JavaScript was that it was an unsightly, incompetent toy. My intention in this workshop is to expose the goodness in JavaScript, an outstanding dynamic programming language. Topics will include values, syntax, dynamic objects, prototypal inheritance, augmentation, lambdas, closures, and JSON. [→Workshop info]

Website: Douglas Crockford's Wrrrld Wide Web


  • JavaScript: The Good Parts
  • Even Faster Web Sites: Essential Knowledge for Frontend Engineers

Books: Japanese translations

  • JavaScript: The Good Parts ―「良いパーツ」によるベストプラクティス


Douglas Crockford - Ajax Security


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