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Pay Per Click Formula CPA Report – Clever Technique

Posted by James in Affiliate, Guru, How To, Launch, Marketing, PPC, Review, Traffic

Gauher Chaudhry is smart. The brains behind Pay-per-click formula and pioneer of PPC to CPA monetization has just released an 89 page report with a Frank Kern Rip-off β€˜in car video’ squeeze page called:

–> CPAhotspot <--

The very clever thing he has done is release his content for free with an incentivized members area. In the members area you can earn points for referrals by sending more people to the site. The viral nature of this is huge. This makes people want to promote the site so they can gain access to higher level reports. You may have been swamped recently with hyped up emails and fanatical claims of wonderment about the report. This is why!

Beat The Affiliates!

The really smart thing is that in a few weeks when he releases his new course payperclick Formula 2.0 he will have his list already. The affiliates will not be getting such huge commissions then because Gauher will already own the name and email of every PPC related buyer. Super Clever. This is similar to the $1 per opt-in deal people like Russell Brunson put out there before promoting a bigger product.

Third Party Generated Content

So, Gauher only has to give away free content from what he and third party people have supplied him as payment to build a list. Very clever and worth noting. Sometimes you can learn a lot by observing high level marketers in action.

The Report Itself?

By the way, the report itself is quite good. There is nothing new or clever in there because all of this information (and to be fair, much of it originated from him years ago) has been published in other products since. In fact, parts of it look like a direct cut and paste from his cool cash ezine report. In a way Gauher has been forced to publish this for free since the game has moved on since his first course.

No doubt there will be some serious meat in the actual product. By that time Gauher Chaudhry will know how to find you and tell you about it direct!

Grab the report and get a good summary of the CPA game

Tags: affiliate marketing, blackhat cpa, cash ezine, cost per action, cpa technique, frank kern, free cpa report, gauher chaudry, how to cpa, learn cpa, level marketers, monetization, pay per click, pay per click formula, payperclickformula 2.0, ppc to cpa, russell brunson, viral nature

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