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Cash Bootstrap Method – Mark Acutt Review

Posted by James in Affiliate, Clickbank, Guru, How To, Launch, PPC, Resource, Review

Cash Bootstrapping by Mark Acutt is a PPC / clickbank affiliate guide just released for struggling affiliate marketers.

The guide covers affiliate marketing from a unique perspective – that of a winner >> loser >> winner.

Mark had an interesting start to affiliate marketing to say the least. He had early success under the mentorship of Andre Chaperon. Andre is a well known and respected affiliate marketer who has kept a low profile after moving from the UK to a warmer climate.

(I learnt about PPC tracking, autoresponder follow-up, video on follow-up landing pages, keyword companion and semioligic blogging software from him many years ago). Andre teaches pre-sells, product selection, tracking and testing, ppc and portfolio diversification. Mark got most of it but forgot to diversify. His campaign went from $300 a day to zero overnight.

For anyone who ever lost money ‘trying’ affiliate marketing….

It hurts. I have had campaigns stop too but I have many running at once. I have not felt the pain Mark has suffered where it all stops overnight. I have had people owe me thousands in unpaid affiliate earnings due to their financial pressure, and people steal campaigns etc… (especially CPA offers). The key to affiliate marketing is to have several methods of income. This is especially if you have to support others and you do this for a living like both Mark and I.

He was totally screwed without warning:

Mark had sold up, moved overseas to start his Internet Marketing lifestyle, and then disaster struck. No income meant he had to quickly re-define his process. What happened next was a great breakthrough. I won’t spoil the story but Mark discovered a formula that is simple, repeatable and easy to follow. He has documented it beautifully in his 74 page bootstrap method.

What is covered and specifically how it can help YOU turn a corner in affiliate marketing

In the Bootstrap method Mark Acutt shows you some maps and blueprints you can follow for PPC affiliate marketing. They show you how to take affiliate seed funds and develop them into multiples. The steps are:

- Research Marketplace

- Product Research

- Keyword Research

- Webhost and Domain setup

- Pre-sell landing page

- Google Adwords Campaign

Readers of my recent DoubleDigitCTR ebook will recognize some significant similarities between the methods I use and the methods Mark uses. The main thing that he specializes in is Clickbank where I tend not to focus on that so much. Mark has really simplified the steps for promoting Clickbank products and made them a dead simple as possible to implement. Throughout the ebook are diagrams and pictures.

Refreshing. He tells you what products NOT to promote.

This is important and not often covered in inormation products. He can teach you a lot from his painful lessons of failure (before his eventual success). The honesty of this product is what I like so much. Many authors are tempted to only mention the winning campaigns, not Mark!

Mark mentions the big three markets to promote and I agree with his reasons behind that. I like his product selection ‘rules’ he has developed because this will help you arrive at a profitable campaign sooner. He also walks you through the five things he looks at on the marketplace data. (And the tool he uses to make this part easier).

Cool – Summary Boxes and pre-sells…

Mark puts summary checklists throughout the report and this makes it easy to see how you are doing before you move on. I think a ten year old could follow this. The element of pre-selling is something that most marketers skip and it where almost all the profits are won or lost before even the first page is built or the first advertisement is written. Mark is a research specialist. I imagine most people have not thought of his brilliant pre-sell page data analysis technique. You can have most of your pre-sales page ideas and content written for you by other people when you go to the site he recommends. He shows you how to turn negative comments into positive persuasion elements.

Keyword Research techniques even the experts will want to see

Mark has very detailed tips for researching keywords using the Google Keyword tool. He also mentions the ‘other’ Google tool that only a few people use. I use it and I know Howie Schwarz uses it too. It tells you search volumes, historic trends, regional hotspots, up and coming data and more…. do you know what it is? (It is not Google Trends!). he also mentions several other sites that give you a great insight into buyers details… (hint).

Hosting, Domains and Pre-sell Landing Pages

This part covers choosing a domain name and hosting. Standard stuff here, all good. The pre-sell is the bit that makes this affiliate marketing technique so strong. I think Andre and Mark are very good at the pre-sell. Andre released a report that sold well and went into great detail about this method. There is an extra pre-sell offer I recommend you take it. You get the great document plus 4 BRILLIANT flow charts and access to a live case study.. This is rare information and most affiliates suck at pre-selling. You need a landing page for a good quality score and to enhance conversions.

The guide does fall short on this….

On showing you how to make a pre-sell page. There are no step-by-step instructions on how to make pages, just what to put on them. I would recommend xsitepro for this. Landing pages are a breeze with this software. Mark sort of skirts right past the technical part however that aside, this guide is very comprehensive.

PPC Campaign Setup and Management

This part is something I am very familiar with and I agree with the information here. The part Mark does very well is timezone analysis. The settings he uses are exactly correct. He also covers tracking conversions very well with detailed solutions outlined. This really is a great ebook.

So just how much is CashBootstrapping going to cost?

Not $97

Not $67

Not $37

Not $27

Not $17

not even $10……

You seriously will not believe the price. It was less than $10 when I bought it. I don’t know if it will stay that low. Someone may talk some sense into him eventually.. This is why I strongly suggest you consider upgrading to his extra pre-sell package as well. He could be charging at leat $67 for that alone. Imagine if you invested a few dollars today to speed up your success rate with affiliate marketing. How would that help you right now, today?…

Click Here to See the least expensive PPC Affiliate Marketing Course of 2008

Tags: affiliate earnings, affiliate marketers, affiliate marketing, andre chaperon, campaign, cash bootstrap method, cash bootstrap method review, Clickbank, clickbank affiliate, domain setup, keyword research, keywords, landing page, mark acutt, market research, pay per click, portfolio diversification, PPC, pre-sell, product research, quality score, seed funds

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