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McFarlane Prize 2009 Shortlist | Web Directions

  • In: Blog
  • By: John
  • September 29, 2009

The Judges have been hard at work with the higher than ever before standard of this year’s Prize, and have decided on the short list for the 2009 Prize.

Last year’s winning designers, Propeller Global, after two grueling rounds of judging have three sites they designed in the short list - Propeller Global, Redlands Spring Festival, and Running Errands.

Rounding out this year’s top 6 are Swinburne University of Technology, J2Build by Scope Media, and Dmitry Baranovskiy’s RaphaelJS site.

The overall winner win be announced at Web Directions, on October 8th in Sydney.

Congratulations to our finalists, and congratulations and thanks to all who entered - each year the standard rises in leaps and bounds. I’m sure that Nigel McFarlane, with his great passion for a standards based web would have been very gratified to see so many high profile sites built the way they are.

A huge thanks too to to all our Judges for their effort and expertise.

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