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Guru Home Study Course – Eben Pagan Review

Posted by James in Bonus, Guru, How To, Launch, List Building, News, Product creation, Resource, Review

Eben Pagan has shrunk his super 12 month $6 – 12K Guru Mastermind Course into a new course called “Guru Home Study Course”

Can’t afford $10k for coaching?

The guru home study course covers information products and how to get started selling and publishing them online using his advanced strategies for Internet Marketing.

What is an information product?

Eben will tell you it is anything that packages up information that you can sell. It could be text, or you can move up the scale to audio, video and then more advanced products such as coaching, consulting and high end platinum group masterminds.

Where did the information industry come from?

Earl Nightingale started publishing self help information in audio format and now we have seminars as we trend to a knowledge based society. John Patterson used to run sales boot camps and compiled sales manuals over 120 years ago. Peter Drucker (one of my business heros) predicted the knowledge worker half a century ago.

The knowledge worker

Most of us (more than 70%) work with our minds rather than the industrial age situation of physical labor. Drucker predicted that our traditional educational systems will fall, and it is. The new people are in little tiny niches creating the new education system. The transition from the old to the new has opened doors and allowed people success in becoming a modern guru.

Guru means wise master

Now we are all good at something and we can blaze our own trail. Do you want to write a book? Yes – then you need to learn more about Eben Pagan’s Guru Home Study Course. Why is it great to be doing this right now? You can do this for almost no money. Write a word doc, publish it and set up a shopping cart, then you are in business.

You no longer need money to make money

There are a lot of free and low cost tools that allow you to make money very fast. Technology automates almost all of the stuff. The tools are able to be used, such as the ability to get a bunch of people online for free for you to record.

Another huge advantage is the availability of thousands of micro niches where there is almost no competition. $5k or $10k a month are not unheard of these days. The other amazing thing is that the big companies cannot afford to come into small markets to compete. For less than $500k profit a year they cannot compete.

You can own your own niche online

Another reason why info product marketing appeals is the flexibility of working online anywhere. Some travel as they work. We are no longer tethered to our business and our income is only limited to our ability to find and develop profitable niches. I have had ten vacations this year and it has not been an issue. As long as I can connect to the internet every few days that is great.

How much money can you make selling info products?

$5 – 10K a month no problem. Eben Pagan knows 100s who make millions and dozens are multi-millionaires. You can do this from home and start right now in any niche. Eben Pagan runs companies that generate $25 – 30 million dollars per year.

Three pillars successful info publishers use:

1) Content

Products, articles, videos, etc… What is my niche? Here is a simple three question test. (These questions focus your mind. The better you can answer them the better your content will be).

- Is my prospect experiencing pain and urgency or irrational passion?

(Strong emotion is much easier than talking people into buying).

- Is my prospect pro-actively looking for the solution? (This is why search engine marketing is so critical).

- Does my product have few or no perceived options? (This is a version of the Jay Abraham angle of asking why the client should deal with you versus every other available choice).

Create your own market where you are the only leader. Choose the format that gives you the highest profit.

2) Conversion

These are all the spots in the business where they take action. Get a name from your prospect. Make sure you have clear call to actions. Give away something very valuable upfront (worth $50 – 100). Combine the call to action with a teaser of the value offer. Another way to get conversions is to reverse risk.

3) Customer

List building, client attraction etc… make sure you focus your advertising on the strongest emotional factor.

Generate leads with free content.

Things you can do right now to tap into info product profits:

- start a blog

- get an email newsletter

- have a place where we can create valuable information in our niche

- start creating content every day from now on

- create a simple product

- get a account and they will set up a bridge line you can teach and you can record the call for free

- survey the clients when they come to your site

- set up a shopping cart

- interact with your prospective clients, for example do one to one coaching calls and do group coaching calls

- talk live to one prospective client for free upfront

Eben recommends you get good at solving problems because then you will develop faster and opportunities will present themselves.

If you get Guru Home Study

You will have the best training, the best modules with DVDs, membership area and webinars etc and be on the fast track for information product guru status.

Watch The Eben Pagan Video and get more FREE information from this elite Internet Marketer.

** Guru Home Study BONUS ** – I am offering one-on-one mentoring for a full month and you get two months FREE access to Read the Full details of my Eben Pagan Guru Home Study Course >>BONUS Click Here<<

Tags: eben pagan, guru home study course, guru mastermind, home study course information products, the guru mastermind

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