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Simplify | Internet Marketing Speed


Posted by James in Affiliate, Blog, Membership, News, SEO

I just made some changes to this blog to keep it even easier for me to update it with information. Like most things I have found that by refining systems to make them easier to use – you get better results because you use it more.

This blog started out mainly as a link generator for my own sites but has turned into my Internet Marketing ‘hub’. Last week I strated getting goog Alexa rankings so I guess I’ll put more into it from this point. The main goal now is to have one central place to communicate my thoughts, upcoming product releases and offer valuable free and paid training information for internet marketers.

The sections I removed

- Training

I removed this because the Training section was designed to gather surveys for my upcoming resource centre. I have now reached a valid number of survey results providing me enough information to build

This is private members forum and is a very powerful information resource. I have added training videos and blueprints for many of my best most proven business strategies and tactics. Membership is currently invitation only and I may open up a few spots later on… people who were on the training announcement list will be notified first. I don’t really want my killer profit systems out there at this stage.

- Recommended Products

The Recommended products section was too bulky and difficult to maintain. I use a lot of great tools and resources and fully intended making a page per product and linking to that page however it is slowing me down when a simple blog post will allow me to add ten times more content.

The future

From now on I will make a blog post with the product name in the post. You can use the search tool to find it or the category menu to pick from the topics that interest you the most. I have a lot more posts to make in the future with free videos and real reviews – I get a copy of most new product releases and I am doing real reviews not some fake ’stars’ rating just to make affiliate sales. I will still use my affiliate link and offer a bonus from time to time. (That’s what I do remember!).

NOTE: Product owners can submit product login and affiliate details for new products for review here. I make no guarantees that my review will done or that it will be positive. There is no fee – I will not be compromised.


I am making the changes based on the heatmap I got from crazyegg. It shows me people are clicking on the RSS feed, post categories, Free report and mentoring. As a marketer it even tells me what people are clearly most interested in. This is like doing a survey without doing a survey!

Many people have commented to me they like the simplistic layout of this blog and the semiologic features that assist it like the widget at the end of each post that suggests related posts. So between organic SEO listings, categories, search box and related posts - everything is easy to find.

Still the same

I have left my twitter link because people like to get into the microblogging atmosphere. I have avoided the temptaion to integrate the twitter widget ot RSS feed because I want to keep this blog simple. Simple works.

Mentoring stays. I have enough clinets at the moment and I plan on keeping it light. If I get overloaded I will remove it.

Contact stays because some people need more than just a comment. I read all emails so keep them coming if you have ideas, proposals or suggestions that you can’t post publically use the contact link.

The IMS Free report is going great. There are now thousands of subscribers getting a few extra emails with training videos on things such as “how to recognize time pressure tricks”, “split testing results”, “making viral videos” and other stuff. There is plenty more going to that list and there is no charge.


I moderate all comments on this blog because they are full follow links and I want to keep the quality high. Got something to say? Hit the comments section and let me know while you earn yourself a juicy backlink. Use your anchor text if you like as long as it is G Rated

Tags: backlinks, blog layouts, blogging, blogs for links, comment on blog, crazyegg, follow links, heatmap, internetmarketingspeed, james schramko, product review submit, product reviews, real reviews, system for blog

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