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Create Products If You Really Want To Become A Super Affiliate

Posted by James in Launch, List Building, Marketing, Product creation, Resource, Traffic

There I said it.

If you really want to sell a lot of affiliate stuff the fastest way to get ahead of the game is to create your own products. If you don’t believe me go and look at the latest JV winners list from any recent contest and you will see product owners there. This can be as simple as making a quality free report with professional e-cover. If you have a look at the business model of this blog it revolves around a free report (19 pages) that is good enough to sell however I give it away. Let me explain this model in more detail:

First check out these comments from well respected marketer Franck:

“Hi James,

We started IM almost at the same time. I just read your report, and I must say that it was different. Not like many of these free “junk ebooks” around the Internet. I payed hundreds of dollars to learn what you expose in your ebook, and I urge any newbie to get this.

Franck Silvestre”

How this works

When you lead off with a great free report you can build a list. More importantly, this is a relationship you are building. Over time you build a loyal group of people who will participate with you in a blog format like this. People comment on posts and now you have a relationship that develops over time. So my first advice is to get a blog in your market and put up a free report. Make sure your information is good quality and worthwhile for the reader. If you do a good job they will look forward to more emails from you. Your content should solve problems.

Step 2 – Give away some more free stuff

Now that you have a relationship, send more quality stuff. Give your audience a real taste for what you are all about. I like to send free training videos and results from my own marketing tests so that my audience can shortcut those learning areas. Make sure your information is related to the topic and is good enough to hold the attention of your audience.

I want to stress that you are doing this to help people not to build a list. If you focus on helping others the list will take care of itself. We have seen the ‘list builder’ techniques like giveaway sales but they are flawed because they focus on building a list at the detriment of helping people. You cannot help people by flooding them with three thousand software downloads and joining them to a few hundred vultures lists. I do not agree with giveaway sales. Stay away!!!

Step 3 – Pay attention because the answers are here

Your audience are the best experts on what they want from you. When they ask questions take note and then address this in future posts. At some point you will have enough data to create a product for them and they will be happy to buy it from you. Consider doing a survey occasionally and always ask for feedback good or bad. You want the truth.

Step 4 – Let people know the truth

So many people are sugar sweet about everything in the market and they come across as salesmen. If you really want to gain the respect of your audience tell it like it is. There is nothing more appealing than integrity. Clients are drawn to the truth and you now have a USP that is unbeatable. Snake oil salesmen don’t last. I have found the more truth you can put out, even if it is controversial and counter to the market, the better. Clients love the truth.

Just on this point, you should never compromise yourself by doing a favor for someone if it goes against the best interests of your client. Clients come first, you second. If you are custodian of your clients best interests then you will have loyal clients for life.

Step 5 – It is ok to ask for the order

If you are genuinely solving problems for readers and they identify with you and trust you, then it is ok to suggest paid solutions. This is by far more powerful than the lame method of hammering a readers inbox with promotion after promotion just because you are late for a car payment. Desperate marketers fail in the long run because consumers are smart. My advice is to give, give and give some more and genuinely try and help people. If you do this you will position yourself to be able to help people make intelligent decisions.

Step 6 – Ramp it up

The next step is simple. Make full products on a larger scale and let your clients know about them. Any product you release from now and announce to your blog will get an instant acceptance and sales conversions will break records. You have earned it and you deserve it. The result of this is a momentum shift you will not be able to stop unless you put out crappy products.

Step 7 – The Super Affiliate

I hope by now it is obvious why on launch day of your favorite affiliate recommendation you will clean up. You have a trained and loyal list who have already won by taking your recommendations. If you put together another product – the BONUS product and you perfectly match it to your clients needs then you can expect to do really well. now you know why you can sell more as an affiliate by creating products. Product owners have lists of qualified buyers. There is a relationship and that means far more than top SEO rankings or cash rebates. People want to deal with people they like.

Action plan

If you are planning on making sales this year as an affiliate then I encourage you to create a product that complements the product or service in the market you are working with. I really only started this blog about a year ago and it now gets 300 – 400 people visiting every day. Even if you start with a blog and free report that will set you up for success. If you already have that then survey your audience and create a paid product for them.

Please post your comments, feedback or success stories!

Tags: blogging, detail check, franck silvestre, free report, free stuff, helping others, internet marketing, learning areas, List Building, loyal group, own marketing, Product creation, super affiliate

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