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Business track - one session remains

  • In: Blog
  • By: John
  • August 14, 2009

At Web Directions, we like to have most of our sessions all organized before announcing our conferences, but we do usually leave one or two sessions open for breaking developments.

We’ve now got a single session remaining in the business track, and thought we’d do a bit of crowd sourcing. What focus do you think this session should have? Take a look at the other business track sessions, and what do you think would complement these other sessions well? We’ve designed this track largely for the clients and “bosses” of the folks who typically come to our conferences - what do you want your boss, or clients thinking about? What messages do you think they should be hearing about, what issues should they be thinking about? Feel free too to propose a session you’d like to present. We can’t promise we’ll say yes, but we will consider every suggestion.


Your opinion:


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