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Zero to hero with jQuery workshop - only one space left

  • In: Blog
  • By: Maxine
  • July 7, 2009

Just as they have with the main conference, numbers have also crept up fast with the workshops this year. So much so that Earle Castledine’s Zero to hero with jQuery workshop is about to sell out. There’s only one place left, so, if you’ve been thinking of coming along to what is going to be an inspired day of hands on learning, the time for hesitating is over.

In this day-long hands-on masterclass, JavaScript and jQuery guru Earle Castledine takes you from the basics of jQuery: simple and useful effects; through to advanced techniques like themeable widgets and Ajax-y goodness. Through fast-paced and interesting practical examples you’ll walk away with the confidence and skill to apply jQuery to your current projects and ideas.

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