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IE8 - latest roadmap | Web Directions North

IE8 - latest roadmap

  • In: News
  • By: John
  • November 20th, 2008

At the IE blog today, Dean Hachamovitch has just posted an update to where IE8 is at in terms of its release cycle

We will release one more public update of IE8 in the first quarter of 2009, and then follow that up with the final release. Our next public release of IE (typically called a “release candidate”) indicates the end of the beta period. We want the technical community of people and organizations interested in web browsers to take this update as a strong signal that IE8 is effectively complete and done. They should expect the final product to behave as this update does. We want them to test their sites and services with IE8, make any changes they feel are necessary for the best possible customer experience using IE8, and report any critical issues (e.g., issues impacting robustness, security, backwards compatibility, or completeness with respect to planned standards work). Our plan is to deliver the final product after listening for feedback about critical issues.

Read the post, and give them any feedback you think will be relevant, because we all want IE8 to be as good as it can possibly be.

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