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How do you solve a problem like IE6?

  • In: Blog
  • By: John
  • May 22, 2009

(As astute, more likely female readers might guess, Sound of Music is now the new favourite movie at chez Allsopp for the 3 year old)

We might forget it, but once IE6 represented a great leap forward for the web. At the time, its support for CSS was really as good as it got. Then, sadly, nothing happened with IE, and the web in the shape of Opera, Safari and Firefox (the last two not even released when IE6 was) moved on.

IE6 became an albatross around our necks.

Since then, a myriad proposed solutions, from Dean Edwardโ€™s extraordinary IE7 Script, to the best forgotten Browse Happy campaign have come along to help us try and deal with this aging, but still significant browser (even CSS3 gets in on the act with the box-sizing property, supported in IE8!)

Now, one of Web Directions favourite presenters, Andy Clarke, has proposed simply serving all sites the same style for IE6.

Read Andyโ€™s suggestion for Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS in detail - a very interesting proposal.

Your opinion:


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