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Special Interviews | SEO Podcast Show

Direct from (Follow @MonicaWright on Twitter)

My goal - participate in creative conversations, share unique experiences and give back when I can. I get excited about change, how ideas spread, why that’s important for creative people. It’s impacting business as we know it, everyday you watch it happen.

I’m an experienced Internet marketer specializing SEO, search marketing, social media and analytics, I’ve got 12 years of media marketing experience, with a strong focus on driving online audience to media companies.

I’m currently the Organic Search Manager at HMG Search Marketing, Portland, ME, with previous experience in driving online audience to content sites. I was a 2006 Newspaper Association of America New Media Fellow, Project Management Certification from University of Southern Maine, and have a dual Fine Arts/Philosophy B.A. from Boston College.

I consider myself creative, talented, insightful, even courageous. If it’s not fun, it’s definitely not worth doing.

The LARGE arrow to the right will start the Twitter part of the interview. The SMALL arrow below is the full interview.

 Standard Podcast: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download



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