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Llumo - Feed reader for image and photo based feeds

  • In: Blog
  • By: Maxine
  • March 18, 2009

Here’s something new and neat for people who collect a lot of image based feeds, from local developer Anson Parker. Llumo is a feed reader which makes the experience of looking at image and photo based feeds much nicer than it is if you’re using a plain old feed reader like NetNewsWire or Google Reader. In fact, I always found looking at feeds of people I follow on Flicks for example so uninspiring in NetNewsWire that I always ended up deleting them and going back to just checking them in Flickr directly.

In a nutshell, you just set up an account, then add your feeds. After you’ve done this, there’s a really lovely interface that lets you scroll through the images.

This is a great tool if you are an image based thinker, or if you’re looking for a nicer way to scan through photos - check it out!

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