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Valerie VanBooven

Valerie's motto and favorite saying is: "Impact is not created by big budgets, impact is created by innovative marketing ideas!"

Valerie VanBooven is President and CEO of LTC Expert Publications LLC., a company devoted to empowering elder care entrepreneurs and senior service providers with the tools to enjoy thriving businesses and freedom-based lifestyles.

Valerie's journey into entrepreneurship was a natural one when -- after becoming a Registered Nurse and working in critical care, discharge planning, case and care management -- she found herself frustrated by the corporate healthcare system- and started to look deeper into helping seniors and their family members on her own. After deciding to leave her final job in 2000 at a large health insurer, she reviewed her options and chose the opportunity of owning her own business. 


Not quite sure what to expect, and without a mentor or role model, Valerie took it upon herself to learn what it takes to be successful. She immersed herself in books, audios, and courses on marketing, success, and prosperity. She was especially excited about online marketing because of its dynamic nature, low cost, broad reach, and easy accessibility for everyone. 


From her small St. Louis, Missouri townhouse, Valerie wrote her first book, "Aging Answers: Secrets to Successful Long-Term Care Planning, Caregiving and Crisis Management". She became known as "The LTC Expert" after becoming extremely adept at marketing her business via email newsletters, or ezines, websites, and speaking engagements.

Because of that book, Valerie has been a regular guest on NBC's Today Show for their "Forever Young: A Guide to Life After 50" segments. Valerie has also appeared on CNNFN's Your Money with Ali Velshi, and has been interviewed in numerous publications including Time Magazine, and various AP articles. In 2007, Valerie published her second book, "The Senior Solution: A Family Guide to Keeping Seniors Home for Life!"


When business owners began asking Valerie for online and offline marketing advice, she jumped on the opportunity to quickly create and sell her first online information product, a complete marketing system for Financial Advisors- helping them sell Long-Term Care Insurance products. From that moment on, she fast became the foremost authority in driving sales via the internet, seminars, and e-mail for senior service providers and elder care entrepreneurs. 


From there Valerie began sharing her complete online marketing and information marketing formulas via products, coaching programs, her own seminars, webinars, and conference calls. While Valerie’s best known for her expertise in marketing, her students share that her biggest impact comes from her ability to make things happen quickly, even on a small budget.

Elder care entrepreneurs and senior service providers from all corners of the market come to Valerie for guidance including home care providers, elder law attorneys, financial advisors, senior living specialists, senior movers, long-term care insurance specialists, assisted living providers, durable medical equipment providers, geriatric care managers, authors, reverse mortgage specialists and more. Valerie most enjoys sharing her message in person, and has spoken on stages around the U.S. alongside marketing and motivational geniuses including Doug McLain, Brett Carter, Jesse Slome, and Phyllis Shelton, sharing her message of meaningful marketing and new approaches to old messages. She's also been a guest on hundreds of tele-seminars and webinars, radio shows, and web-radio shows.

Valerie not only serves her own clients, but also serves the Reverse Mortgage community by being the National Marketing Director for Next Generation Financial Services located in Baltimore, MD, and writing articles monthly for The Reverse Review.

Finally, and most importantly, Valerie is mom to the Whitsell Triplets- Madeline, Sophia, and Samantha Lee, and wife and best friend of Charlie Whitsell. The Whitsell clan is the motivation behind much of Valerie’s current success! Valerie grew up in St. Louis, Missouri.

To keep up with what Valerie is doing, see her

personal blog

or connect with her on



We connect your elder care or senior service business with your community.

LTCSocialMark2.0 program makes it possible for small businesses in the elder care and senior service market to connect with their local community, decreasing their offline marketing costs, and increasing their online visibility.

Our expertise is in the following areas:

  • Home Care Marketing
  • Elder Care Marketing
  • Senior Service Marketing
  • Adult Day Care Marketing
  • Assisted Living Marketing
  • Reverse Mortgage Marketing


From the written word, to video marketing. We set up everything from blog posts to viral video marketing.

LTCSocialMark2.0 sets up and connects customized blog, video page and a mini-web page to all of your social networking accounts. Consumers can easily find more information about your home care business, elder care business, reverse mortgage business, adult day care business, or any senior service business by doing a simple online search.


Save money, time, and energy using online marketing to your advantage.

LTCSocialMark2.0 allows you to decrease print and other advertising costs over time by enhancing and strengthening your online presence. Our services are personal, customized, and search engine optimized to drive qualified, interested web traffic to your door. Watch your search engine results increase dramatically in just a few days.

Decrease your senior service's printing and postage costs, by implementing a solid social networking strategy


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