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Ten user experience myths debunked

  • In: Blog
  • By: Maxine
  • January 12th, 2009

Whitney Hess has gathered together insights from a whole bunch of influential user experience practitioners and writers to debunk a few myths about what the profession of user experience actually is. She came up with The 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design, which has some very meaty food for thought for anyone working in UX, or who has a UX team as part of their larger project. For example:

& User Experience">Louis Rosenfeld, publisher at Rosenfeld Media, publishing books on user experience design, and co-author of the seminal 2002 book Information Architecture for the World Wide Web argues that user experience may not yet even be a discipline. “It may not even be a community just yet,” he asserts. “At best, it’s a common awareness, a thread that ties together people from different disciplines who care about good design, and who realize that today’s increasingly complex design challenges require the synthesis of different varieties of design expertise.”

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