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Ignite Sydney, January 22 - Register now

  • In: Blog
  • By: Maxine
  • January 7th, 2009

The second Sydney Ignite will be held at the Shelbourne Hotel on January 22. If you haven’t registered to attend already, get in now - it’s free! There are still a few places left, but these will go quickly.

The idea of Ignite is simple - presenters stick to a rigid format of 20 slides, each of which changes automatically after 15 seconds, giving a guaranteed 5 minute presentation. If something sucks, it only sucks for 5 minutes, so, what have you got to lose? The range of topics people will be presenting on is diverse - there’s definitely something in there for everyone!

Web Directions is sponsoring this event, so, see you there I hope.

Your opinion:


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