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Detailed conference program online | Web Directions North

  • In: News
  • By: John
  • December 30th, 2008

A quick note to let you know that the detailed conference program for Web Directions North is now online.

There’s 23 sessions (including a double length super session on JavaScript libraries and frameworks) and keynotes by such legends of the web as Dan Connolly (co-editor of the initial Internet Engineering Task Force’s draft specification for HTML, principal editor of the HTML 2.0 specification, chair of the W3C Working Group that produced HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0, and now a member of the W3C’s influential Technical Architecture Group), as well as the “State of the Web” session featuring key developers from Microsoft, Opera and other browser makers, Dan Connolly from the W3C, and other key shapers of the web. They’ll be discussing where they see the web headed over the next 12 months or so, and take questions from the audience.

I know I’m a little biased, but I do think we’ve put together a simply amazing lineup. Every person speaking has years of real world experience, and continues to shape the technologies and techniques of the web. They are also accomplished, entertaining presenters and educators.

Our goal when choosing the sessions was to ensure maximum real world value for you right now - there’s no “pie in the sky” stuff, but eminently usable technologies and techniques you can start implementing right away.

We hope that the program we’ve put together excites you as much as it does us. We’ll be focussing on some of these sessions in the weeks leading up to conference, to give you an even better sense of what to expect, so keep an eye out for that here.

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