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Ignite Sydney coming January 22nd

Ignite Sydney coming January 22nd

  • In: Blog
  • By: John
  • December 11th, 2008

After the great success of the recent GeoSpatial Ignite, bringing together folks from the world of Geo Sciences and the Web, Stephen Lead is putting together Ignite Sydney, to be held Thursday January 22nd, at the Shelbourne Hotel (scene of the last two closing night parties for Web Directions South).

Ignite is about fast paced presentations (20 slides, of exactly 15 seconds each, auto advanced, making for a 5 minute presentation), and socializing and networking too.

If you are interested in presenting, let them know, and who knows, maybe talent scouts from a certain web conference might be about!

Or, just turn up to meet with your peers.

Either way, it will be well worth getting along to.

Register now, and put it in the diary for the first event in the Web world for 2009.

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