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SEO Expert | SEO Podcast |

New York SEO Company

September 24, 2008 at 3:37 pm · Filed under Uncategorized, SEO Podcast, SEO Expert, Joe Beccalori

Thanks to all for the comments and feedback, and yes - also for staying on me to keep the SEO Podcast coming with something more than quarterly frequency.  Good news - I have been back building a lot of content- including articles, podcasts, and even video content for SEO Training.  I took a long break from blogging this year, to work on the launch of my new SEO Company SearchTROOP, a NY SEO Company focused on providing Affordable SEO to local and national advertisers.  In addition to on site SEO, the firm also provides strategic link building, social media marketing, and blog development services.  I am happy to say we have grown quickly, to 11 people and over 50 clients in less than 6 months… and now that the initial launch is behind us, we are working on a new educational and training offering for SEO.  In the coming months, the blog, podcast, and video training series are launching - which will provide business owners, webmasters, and the SEO community with much more information than we’ve been able to provide in the past.

For those of you in New York, we are also introducing 1 and 2 day workshops for SEO , Social Media, and Blog Training.  We even have special programs for agency partners including staff training programs, and an agency resller agreement for SEO services - allowing traditional or design agencies to offer top-notch SEO Services to their clients.

So sit back, and get ready… we are aiming to impress.  If you want early bird details about the SEO Expert training events or series, shoot me an email and I will get you on the email list.

Talk soon,



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