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This article contains 5 images. You will find them at the very end of the article.

This article contains 175 words.

Thanks for participating | Web Directions North

Thanks a lot for taking the time to participate in the State of the Web 2008 Survey.

The survey runs until December 20th, so please encourage as many people you know to participate, to help us capture a snapshot of current development practice for the web.

We’ll be releasing the results (both a summary, and the raw data) early in 2009.

Subscribe to the RSS feed to keep up to date, or keep an eye out here.


We’d love it if you could spread the word about this survey, be it at work, through your blog, or by snail mail. To help you out we’ve whipped up a series of badges (with more coming) for you to drop into your sidebar, but feel free declare your own view of the web by using our template (PSD file). If you come up with something particularly witty, be sure to let us know.


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