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UX08 ยป Blog Archive ยป Frontiers of Javascript

Frontiers of Javascript

Presented by Cameron Adams

Melbourne Town Hall, Melbourne

Thursday 15th May 2008, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Register now


JavaScript has been one of the fastest growing areas of web development in recent years, and the introduction of technologies such as Ajax have meant that it is allowing the investigation of whole new areas of interface development.

In this full day hands on workshop, Cameron Adams will share his love of playful code and explore the latest developments in the field of JavaScript and interface design. Bring your own laptop and by the end of the day youโ€™ll be playing with the code like a master as well!

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is designed for those with a strong grasp on the basics of JavaScript (particularly) and CSS. You should already have a working knowledge of:

  • modifying the DOM
  • the browser event model
  • making basic Ajax calls

It will also be interesting for those who wish to see the possibilities of interface design with a fully featured front-end toolkit.

What will you learn?

By the end of the day you will:

  • have a knowledge of the pros and cons of different libraries such as Prototype, jQuery and Dojo
  • understand the capabilities of interface frameworks such as Ext and Interface
  • be able to work with real-time data formats such as XML and JSON
  • create mashups using APIs
  • work with browser-native vector graphics (SVG/VML & Canvas)
  • pick up advanced code tips
  • understand why coding JavaScript is so darn fun!

The workshop will include numerous practical sessions (on your own laptop) where you will be able to apply some of the skills you have picked up during the day, with tips and immediate assistance from your host.


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