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On (digital) gardens and wilderness

Nearly 3 years ago, after yet another rip off of our site design (I’ve lost count of the number of times people have ripped our design, a lot of our content (in one case submitting it to a notable publisher, and being only days away from being published as a book!)) we started a Flickr group called OMG Someone stole my website. It was kinda light hearted, as we’d long since learned that investing much energy in worrying about that sort of thing really is counterproductive (unless it were a major company, or so on).

And then promptly forgot about it.

Jump forward 3 years. Flickr’s front page redesign highlights things like your groups. So I headed over to find 44 sites submitted, and dozens of comments. OK, so it ain’t youtube, but it’s somehow gratifying to find something emerge spontaneously with no investment of energy whatsoever.

Any stories out there of untended gardens becoming flourishing wildernesses?


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