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Web Directions North » Blog Archive » Jobs at Web Directions

Jobs at Web Directions - our free jobs board

A couple of months ago, Web Directions launched jobs.webdirections, a job board for companies and organizations seeking web professionals - contractors, part time and full time. While most of the 50 or more jobs currently posted are based in Australia, the board is open to anyone anywhere looking to post jobs for web professionals. - part time, full time or contract based. Currently there are several jobs from outside Australia.

Anyone may post a job, and posting is free, but there’s one simple rule - the job post must include the name of the organization where the person will be employed.

To post a job, simply head over to the site, and help yourself!

If you are looking for work, there’s over 50 jobs already at the site, for all kinds of skill sets, and for contract, part time and full time work.

And a note to North American companies looking for freelancers - Australia has a thriving, highly skilled web industry, and our dollar has recently depreciated about 30% against the US dollar - so you can save a considerable amount tapping into this highly skilled industry.

Posted by John on 20/10/08 at 4:28 pm

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