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Dmitry Baranovskiy - Start using web vector graphics today

Web Directions South 2008, Sydney Convention Centre, September 25 10.45am.

  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Dmitry Baranovskiy

Presentation slides

  • Video: Slide 7
  • Video: Slide 14
  • Video: Slide 17
  • Video: Slide 22
  • Video: Slide 45
  • Video: Slide 46
  • Video: Slide 48
  • Video: Slide 50

Session description

With the growth of interactivity in web applications we are pushing Javascript to its limits, not to mention the limits of HTML and CSS. And so we spend our days resorting to Flash, waiting for that distant time when browser support for CSS3 will come to our rescue and allow us to create the UIs we dream of. But this is not the way it has to be: there is a little known secret weapon right here in most modern browsers. Yes, even in IE6.

Dmitry Baranovskiy is here to tell you about Canvas, SVG and VML. Come along and be amazed by standards based UI wizardry you can start implementing in projects right here, right now.

About Dmitry Baranovskiy

Dmitry has over 8 years experience in creating web applications. Having started as a back end developer, more recently he has changed his orientation to front end development and even pure design. These days he spends his working hours trying to embrace a wide range of front end technologies while working as a UI Developer for Atlassian.

He is also the creator of Optimus, the Microformats transformer, as well as a Microformats based conference scheduler creator. At any given moment he is always working on three secret projects, though no one knows where he gets the time for any of this.


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