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Myles Eftos - Web APIs, Oauth and OpenID: A developerโ€™s guide

Web Directions South 2008, Sydney Convention Centre, September 26 1.40pm.

  • Session description
  • About Myles Eftos

Session description

Online web applications are big business, with many people relying on the cloud for data storage and workflow. These days, an API is an essential part of any online system, but this presents authentication and authorisation issues for the humble web developer. Learn how to create Web APIs, how OpenID and Oauth works and what you need to do to implement them.

About Myles Eftos

Myles is a Perth-based Web developer who feels as at home building INNER JOINS as he does calculating the specificity of CSS selectors. He has worked in all the major web languages, with his weapon of choice being Ruby on Rails. He is a big advocate of semantic CSS, and unobtrusive JavaScript. He has a weakness for code double dares, many of which have resulted in crazy experiments, such as @baggygreen: a twitter cricket commentator and a version of Super Mario Bros. written entirely in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

During his 8-years in the industry, working under the moniker of MadPilot Productions, he has worked with pretty much everyone in Perth. He has also been on the committee of the Australian Web Industry Association since itโ€™s inception, currently residing in the role of event coordinator.


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