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Javascript Libraries session | Web Directions

This year at Web Directions South we’re trying something new. Craig Sharkie will be using a panel type approach to explore the pros and cons, ins and outs of Javascript libraries in what will be both an entertaining and edifying session. I say “panel type approach” because I definitely don’t want anyone to be thinking this will be anything like that tired excuse for a panel we have all had the displeasure of sitting through at some stage. Trust me: there will be preparation, there won’t be self indulgence :)

I’m really excited about the people Craig has gathered together for the panel:

  • In the heavily backed jQuery corner, Earle Castledine
  • For YUI, Jason Crane
  • Fighting for Prototype/Scriptaculous, Ben Askins
  • And lastly raw Javascript, represented by the Underdog in Blue, Cameron Adams

In this extended session the guys will each have the opportunity to talk through the strengths and weaknesses of their libraries, before battling it out in a script off. Heckling, throwing of rotten fruit and gambling will all be encouraged. And if by the end of the two hours an obvious winner has not emerged from the bloody mess, a Push Up Off will be held in the lunch break. I’m joking. Or am I…

I told you we were trying something new.


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