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Web Directions and web application, social networks, and so on

Web Directions and web application, social networks, and so on

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • September 20th, 2008

With a week to go, itโ€™s time to start firing up your social networks, and other online tools in preparation for the conference.

If you take photos, and use Flickr, please upload them with the tag wds08 (or search for photos tagged wds08 to see what others are seeing).

If you want to follow us on Twitter, then follow WebDirections. If you post to Twitter, then tag your posts wds08.

Thereโ€™s a Facebook group to join as well for you Facebook types to join.

Want to see what the blogs are saying - search Technorati for posts tagged wds08. If you blog about Web Directions, make sure you tag your posts wds08.

Want to keep track of everything going on in the web directions universe? then stay tuned, weโ€™ll have a little announcement in the next day or two about how you can do that.


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