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Thanks to our significant supporters - Opera

Thanks to our significant supporters - Opera

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • September 8th, 2008

All of us in the web industry know about Opera, the browser, and probably have installed it for testing, and maybe even our everyday web use. What many of us don’t really realize is the sheer reach of the Opera platform.

The browser in the Wii is powered by Opera

Hundreds of millions of mobile devices run Opera Mobile or Mini

Panasonic Viera televisions are available with the Opera browser (I’ve long been surprised how little web browsing occurs on televisions)

Opera have long been huge champions of web standards, and implemented many before any other browser.

They’ve also been at the forefront of promoting standards focussed training for upcoming web professionals with their Opera Web Standards Curriculum (creative commons licensed so it can be extensively used by anyone for commercial and non commercial means alike)

Opera also has a strong Aussie contingent - with Charles McCathie-Neville and Lachlan Hunt both now working in Oslo with them.

Charles and Lachy, along with Dave Storey, well known to many many folks in the web development community, and frequent web standards group contributor, and Andreas Bovens.

So, keep an eye out for them, and have a chat with where Opera’s at, and where it’s headed.

Opera is a significant supporter of the conference, and we really appreciate that support.


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