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SitePoint interview with Jeffrey Veen (and more)

SitePoint interview with Jeffrey Veen (and more)

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • September 2nd, 2008

Long time supporters, and media partners with Web Directions, the great Aussie based publishers of web and print based books articles, and much more for web designers and developers are currently running an interview with keynote speaker, Jeffrey Veen, by Josh Catone.

Once again Sitepoint are showing their support for the Australian web industry with their media partnership for the conference. Like last year, I’m sure they’ll be covering the conference in great detail, as they have in the past - in text, images and video.

And if you head over to our jobs board, you might just find a reference to a job or three that SitePoint have open right now.

Thanks as always to SitePoint for their support of Web Directions.


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