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McFarlane Prize closing date looming

McFarlane Prize closing date looming

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • August 26th, 2008

The closing date for this year’s McFarlane for Excellence in Australian Web Design prize is next Monday, so you only have a few days to nominate your site, or someone else’s site for the prize.

The McFarlane prize was inaugurated in 2006 in memory of Nigel McFarlane. The goal is to recognise excellence in design, accessibility, coding, usability, and impact. Unlike most similar awards, the prize uses objective as well as subjective criteria,and gives equal weighting to the various areas of web practice.

So, nominate a site you think is worthy, or a site you’ve built, for the chance to enter the hall of fame with past winners Michael Koukoullis and Museum Victoria.


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