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Teaching Web Standards | Web Directions

Teaching Web Standards

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • July 8th, 2008

One of the recognised challenges in educating new web designers and developers is putting together a good curriculum. This is something many folks have talked about over the last several years, but now Opera, spearheaded by Chris Mills (formerly an editor at Friends of Ed, publishers of many fine web technology books, including mine it must be said), have done something about it. The Opera Web Standards Curriculum features currently 23 detailed articles, focussing on key aspects of a web developers required knowledge base, currently focussing on HTML, with plans to expand to other key areas in the next 2-3 months.

It’s all licensed under Creative Commons licenses, enabling widespread use for all kinds of purposes.

If your role involves educating future web developers, formally or less so, in a commercial or educational setting, it’s definitely worth a visit. Great work Opera for looking to fill this huge gap.


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