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Australian Tax Office - online tax lodging is (still) Windows only

Australian Tax Office - online tax lodging is (still) Windows only

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • July 24th, 2008

BuilderAU and The Sydney Morning Herald are both reporting on the ongoing disgrace that is online tax lodgement in Australia.

In short, only Windows users can lodge tax forms online. If you use Linux, Mac OS, or any other device, then you are out of luck.

Various groups are calling for a Mac version, a Linux version and so on. But that misses the point. Why is this simply not a web application that will run in any browser? If you can do your banking online, security is not an insurmountable issue.

Can the ATO please give us some idea of why in 2008, electronic tax lodgement is not done via the web?


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