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Seb Chan reflects on first 3 months of Powerhouse Museum Flickr Commons Program

Seb Chan reflects on first 3 months of Powerhouse Museum Flickr Commons Program

  • In: Blog
  • By: maxine
  • July 21st, 2008

Seb Chan has written a very comprehensive and intellectually generous overview of The Powerhouse Museum’s experiences in the first three months of having the images from the Tyrell Photographic Collection available in the Commons on Flickr.

An interesting observation that maybe a lot of us could think about when we think about social media more broadly:

All of this is ‘user generated context’ (cf. Haque) as much as it is ‘user generated content’. Context is increasingly what matters in a world overloaded with content, and museums through the exhibition medium should be specialists in understanding the importance of ‘context’.

(My emphasis)

Check out the full article to see just what people are doing with the images, and learn all about the success of the project.


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