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The One Machine | Web Directions

The One Machine

  • In: Blog
  • By: maxine
  • June 30th, 2008

According to this Kevin Kelly article the number of hyperlinks on the web is fast approaching the number of synapses in a human brain. Lots of implications of this, but it’s comforting that he also points out

Just as the One Machine’s hardware is assembled from our myriad devices, its software is written by our collective online behavior … the Machine also includes us. After all, our brains are programming and underpinning it. As much as we will come to depend on the One Machine (who needs memory when you’ve got Google?), it will depend on our minds for a sustaining river of input.

Here’s a tiny humble example of this in action via a story about the identification of a photo from the Powerhouse Museum’s Collection, as shared on Flickr.

And here’s some background music to listen to while you read.


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