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Video from Adaptive Path’s recent MX San Francisco

Video from Adaptive Path’s recent MX San Francisco

  • In: Blog
  • By: maxine
  • June 25th, 2008

Adaptive Path have very generously made available some extensive video coverage of presentations at MX San Francisco in April.

Check out

  • Matt Jones of Dopplr - recent trends in social software, object-centered sociality, the beginnings of social infrastructure (opensocial, xfn, hcard, openID), personal informatics, and approaches for baking social ettiquette into the design
  • Margaret Gould (User Experience Manager at Google) - the traits that make some managers particularly effective, how she has customized her management style over the years to both corporate context and the individuals on the teams she has led, plus some specific tactics and tools she uses to refine and improve her management practices.
  • Chip Conley of Joie de Vivre Hospitality - how to transform the workplace via the three key relationships in business with employees, customers and investors.


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