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New speaker: Hurol Inan on web analytics

New speaker: Hurol Inan on web analytics

  • In: Blog
  • By: maxine
  • June 24th, 2008

Weโ€™re very pleased to announce the addition of local web analytics expert Hurol Inan to the line up for Web Directions South 2008. Web analytics have been used for valuable feedback about marketing campaigns as well as to see which products within your site are holding visitorsโ€™ attention best. Hurol is going to be speaking about a third way web analytics can be used: as a tool for seeing

  • who is really using the site
  • what they are using it for
  • how well the site responds
  • what needs changing to enhance the experience

And beyond just looking at what exactly is going on at your site, web analytics really comes into its own when you use it with multivariate testing to test various options real time (and with real users) to find an optimal solution.

Informing experience architecture with quantitative insights will be a not to be missed session for anyone involved in the development of site experience architecture.


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