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Upcoming Search conference | Web Directions

Upcoming Search conference

  • In: Uncategorized
  • By: john
  • February 26th, 2007

Martin Kelly runs some excellent local conferences, including TravelTech, which I had the privilege of kicking off last year, and which demonstrated to me that the travel industry gets tech in a big way.

Martin also runs Search Engine Room, on the 20th and 21st of March.

Now, search, particularly SEO has something of a bad rap among the web design and development crowd. But while there certainly are shonky SEOs out there, search is about much more than getting high google rankings.

At Web Directions North, Jared Spool gave the surprising statistic that 17 of the top 20 ecommerce site development teams in the US had 3 or fewer members, so the trend is for developers and designers to become more broadly skilled and to be able to wear many hats.

So how up are you on search? Head over to the Search Engine Room site for more info.

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