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Podcasts and more coming online

Podcasts and more coming online

  • In: Uncategorized
  • By: john
  • October 10th, 2006

Now we’ve all had a little time to recover after the whirlwind of the conference (one day I hope to be able to just relax and enjoy it) we are putting together the resources that emerged from all the marvellous speaker’s sessions.

The first two of our podcasts, recorded and edited by Scott Bryant and Dan Boud, with some great pre production work by Andrew Krespanis, are online now. Sign up to the podcast RSS feed to keep track of these. BTW, we aren’t being cynical by releasing them a few at a time - post production takes time, and we know you simply can’t listen to nearly 20 hours of audio all at once! So as they become available, we’ll get them online.

We are also getting all the presentations transcribed - this will take a little time, and we have, and will have more of, the slides from presenters, along with Andrew K’s live blogging notes - all in all a great set of resources - many many thanks to our presenters for this.

For some of the slides, we are using a really interesting new service - slideshare. It lets you upload openoffice or powerpoint slides (keynote users, export as powerpoint) and makes them available online. It’s really nice, espceically as the service is new, and for us a big step up from PDFs which we’ve been using for a long time. You can comment on the slides too, so get along and start chatting.

For all the resouces, head over to the site, refresh your memory if you were there, or see what you missed out on if you weren’t (and get a sense of what Web Directions North in Vancouver, Canada, in February 2007 will be like.)


[tags]wd06, webdirections, conference[/tags]

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