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Scott Berkun - The Myths of Innovation

Scott Berkun - The Myths of Innovation

  • In: Uncategorized
  • By: maxine
  • July 23rd, 2007

And yet another new speaker announced today. Scott Berkun will now be presenting the opening keynote on the morning of the second day of the conference this year.

Scott comes from a project management background, working for Microsoft from 1994 to 2003. Since then he’s started his own consulting practice, and focussed on writing, speaking and educating in the areas of project management and user experience design.

Scott’s recently published book, The Myths of Innovation, casts a strong light on the history of innovation to expose its naked truth, and to explain the realities and effort of implementing it in your own projects. Expect an amusing and edifying session when Scott speaks at Web Directions South this year.

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