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WE05 podcasts - back online

WE05 podcasts - back online

  • In: podcasts
  • By: john
  • September 9th, 2006

Last year the conference we were associated with, WE05, was almost fully podcast within hours of the close of play - one of the first, if not the first fully podcast conference we know of.

Sadly earlier this year, the podcasts went AWOL, but as a means of digital preservation, we are bringing them back online, to give you a flavour of what you can expect from Web Directions this year, and as a snapshot of the web in late 2005.

So, our first installment brings Douglas Bowman, Tantek Γ‡elik, Kelly Goto and last years keynote presenter Molly Holzschlag, over four big hours (you can listen to them for less than 4 hours of course)

Coming soon, more from WE05.

Please enjoy the WE05 podcasts, and subscribe to that RSS feed to know immediately when others come online.

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