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Web Directions Speakers - Mark Pesce

Web Directions Speakers - Mark Pesce

  • In: speakers
  • By: john
  • July 22nd, 2007

Last year’s conference closed with what may just become something of a tradition, a keynote from Mark Pesce. Mark is one of the things the web seems to foster so well, a genuine polymath, whose “blog” hyperpeople (I hesitate to call it that because its really a collection of sophisticated essays, but don’t let that put you off).

On of Mark’s principle points of interest is what happens as more people care connected - his focus is the people at the edge of the network, rather than just the devices and services.

His latest essay, “Understanding Gilmore’s Law: Telecoms Edition OR, How I Quit Worrying and Learned to be a Commodity” covers a broad landscape, from the how mobile phones have revolutionised the lives of fishermen in one of my “favourite places I’ve never managed to visit” Kerala in India’s south, to why Telstra isn’t needed anymore.

When you grab a coffee, of take a break today, do yourself a favour and go and take a read.

Mark will again be the closing keynote speaker at Web Directions South this year.

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